Matt's Review

I'm starting to really like the steamed beers from Anchor, I've been reading about them in different publications and figured it was something that wasn't available in South Dakota. I was very happy the other day when trying to decide which beer to get at the liquor store and saw some different beers from Anchor and immediately wanted to try them all.

Blame it on the marketing side of me, but it seems like when people grab a bottle of a beer they have never had before, one of the first questions they have is, can I twist this off or do I need a bottle opener? Sometimes this results in a first attempt at trying to twist it open, which either works or lead you to keep trying harder until your
cut up your fingers. Well there is no secret with this beer when you look at the top of this beer...."Use Opener".

You can tell there is something different with the natural carbonation, not too thick but doesn't affect the taste of the beer at all. The aroma and body smell/look just like an amber ale and has an orange hint to it. I really like overall taste and get the hop flavor towards the end but it finishes really smooth. This is a great summer beer where it's light enough to have more than one, and still has a lot of favor.
Overall Grade: B+
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